This Breathtaking Event at Exactly 11:11 Every Veterans Day in Anthem, Arizona
A breath-taking event happens at exactly 11:11 AM every Veteran’s Day The sun aligns perfectly with the Anthem Veteran’s Memorial. Light from the sun perfectly…
A breath-taking event happens at exactly 11:11 AM every Veteran’s Day The sun aligns perfectly with the Anthem Veteran’s Memorial. Light from the sun perfectly…
Left wing protester calls for violence and bloodshed LIVE on air in Los Angeles! “There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because…
Inspiring to say the LEAST! If you haven’t seeing this inspiring video, here it is. Another example of how Donald Trump unselfishly helps those in…
Proud American obliterates Clinton and Obama. “We want a President who puts Americans first!” “I challenge my African-American, Americans and Latino Americans… Go into your…
Donald Trump stares down his attacker, reminiscent of a hero played by Clint Eastwood in a classic Western. Take a look at the face of…