Move Over Moses, Replaced with Braided Spiraling Horns and a Pink Lotus Flower

The American culture continues to erode, and is replaced with a woke agenda that hates the country. Either Americans stand for their culture, or they’ll continue to lose it. One piece at a time. The country is already unrecognizable from a mere 10 years ago. The latest example comes from, surprise, New York City.

Andrew Beck reports from Twitter, “A new statue atop a New York City courthouse. The artist says it’s part of an “urgent and necessary cultural reckoning underway as New York reconsiders traditional representations of power in public spaces and recasts civic structures to better reflect 21st-century social mores.””

He continued, “The statue, named “NOW”, is a female figure emerging from a pink lotus. It has braids shaped as horns with a judicial lace apron. It is meant to pay homage to Ruth Bader Ginsberg and her fight for abortion.”

The New York Times headline reads, “Move Over Moses and Zoroaster: Manhattan Has a New Female Lawgiver,” and adds “The artist Shahzia Sikander calls the eight-foot sculpture she has placed atop a New York courthouse an urgent form of “resistance.””

Here are pictures as they recast civic structures to better reflect 21st-century social wokeism.



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