Clinton Asks for Loyalty Pledge to Divide Democrats

Donald Trump recently signed a loyalty pledge to unite the Republican Party. In New York, Trump stated, “I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party and the conservative principles for which it stands.”.

The Clinton campaign introduces loyalty pledge of its own. The pledge is not intended to unite the Democratic Party, it’s quite the opposite. The Clinton pledge asks voters to commit to cast their votes for Hillary, dividing the party.

In a article on, Salena Zito wrote:

What looked like a block-long line turned out to be a crowd that could barely fill one-fourth of a football field. And the students in attendance? Well, they weren’t exactly there to support the former secretary of State.

“I am sort of a Bernie (Sanders) fan. I also had nothing else to do at 10 in the morning,” said Brian Miller, a chemical engineering student from Pittsburgh, waiting with more than a dozen friends for the event to start.

David Lituchy of Morgantown, W.Va., was there on the off-chance he’d see a different Clinton: “I am here for Bill. He would definitely liven things up here.”

He said he’s leaning toward Sanders, too.

This is nothing new in the political realm, but some political experts raise the question of Clinton’s appeal to voters.

What do you think? Divide and conquer?



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